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ESG Consulting

  • Carbon Management

  • Sustainable Benchmarking

  • ESG Reporting

  • SDG Alignment & Implementation

  • GRESB Rating

  • LCA Analysis

  • Employee Engagement

Our expertise includes carbon emissions tracking and management, setting up sustainability benchmarks for companies, assist clients adopt a framework specific to the SDGs to evaluate potential impacts, measure performance and integrate the SDGs into their corporate reporting, establishing programs for Annual ESG reporting, achieving GRESB Ratings for their assets, performing Life cycle Analysis (LCA), and preparation of Annual ESG Sustainability Reports among others. In addition we also work closely with organizations to get their employees involved in various sustainable practices, educate their employees and tenants, initiate green office practices, conduct employee engagement initiatives among others.

Green Building Certifications

  • Gap Analysis

  • Green Charettes

  • Building Simulations

  • Green Material 

  • Green Plans, Policies

  • LEED/IGBC/GRIHA/ Edge Certifications

  • Net Zero Energy, Water, Waste, Carbon

We provide a wide range of services including feasibility studies and gap analysis, green design charettes and workshops, building energy efficiency studies, development of green construction policies & plans, research on green materials and products, support for EPDs, preparation of Green Building Pre and Final Certification Documentation, management of online documentation work such as LEED or GRIHA online, submission of final documentation to Councils, responding to clarifications until award of Final Certification, Re-certification activities post occupancy and operation. We also specialize in NET-ZERO DESIGNS for Energy, Water, Waste & Carbon including achieving India's 1st Net Zero Energy Building in 2012.   

Energy & Building Simulations

  • Energy modeling

  • Daylighting & Shading Analysis

  • Irradiation Studies

  • Fenestration Study 

  • MEP Peer Reviews

  • Lighting simulations

  • Renewable Energy Simulations

Whole building energy modeling and simulations are a very important part of any high performance building design and is a very useful tool to help projects arrive at the optimum specifications and design that is cost-effective and still helps achieve the desired energy goals. En3’s in-house team of energy experts and analysts help projects analyze their designs, review HVAC design approaches and configurations, evaluate energy efficiency strategies and set performance targets for projects to achieve within specific budgets. We have worked with over 600+ projects and our high performance energy studies have helped reduce over 200 billion KWH/annum of energy consumption globally.

Greening Existing Buildings

  • LEED Arc Certification

  • Gap Analysis

  • Energy & IAQ Audits

  • ASHRAE Audits

  • LEED enhancements 

  • WELL improvements

  • TRUE Zero waste 

  • Performance  Monitor -ing & Management 

En3 works closely with several existing buildings to help them implement various green and well measures into their operations & maintenance activities and achieve various EB certifications such as LEED, Arc, WELL etc. Our scope of work includes gap analysis, energy and IAQ audits,  ASHRAE Level I, II, III audits, EPA Energy Star Portfolio manager, BEE Energy audits, Waste audits and TRUE Zero waste certifications, existing green building certifications like LEED EB, IGBC EB, GRIHA EB, building performance monitoring using LEED Arc platform, benchmarking with international baselines and implementation of improvements in line with LEED, Arc, WELL requirements      

Building Systems Commissioning

  • LEED Commissioning

  • Enhanced Cx services

  • Integrated Systems Testing (IST)

  • Monitoring-based testing services

  • Retro-commissioning for Existing Systems

En3 has tremendous experience in the building commissioning activities and has been performing these activities for several years in line with international guidelines and requirements. Not just LEED commissioning, but En3 offers a plethora of building systems commissioning activities that go beyond just LEED and focus on integrated systems testing (IST) and enhanced commissioning activities, building enclosure commissioning and measurement and verification activities in line with international requirements. For existing buildings we offer a range of Retro-commissioning works that help them improve their energy performance and optimize resources   

Health & Wellness

  • Gap Analysis

  • Well Design Inputs 

  • WELL / Fitwel / IGBC Certifications

  • Healthy Material Research & HPDs

  • WELL Health Safety Rating (HSR) for EB

  • Performance Testing 

Our consultancy includes identification of various performance metrics, design strategies and procedures that can be implemented by owners, developers, designers and users and operators of building to enhance the health and well-being of the occupants, provision of design and operation inputs based on WELL/Fitwel/IGBC norms, research of materials and specifications from a Wellness standpoint (HPDs), documentation and coordination for final certification. En3 is also an IWBI Approved Performance Testing Agent and can provide the complete range of performance testing services in line with WELL requirements. En3 also is helping over 25 million sq ft of existing building implement and achieve the WELL Health Safety Rating (HSR) from IWBI 

Volume & Portfolio Programs

  • LEED Volume Program

  • WELL at Scale

  • WELL Health Safety (HSR) for Portfolios

  • Energy Star Portfolio Manager 

  • Volume-based training programs

En3 works with several of its clients for their entire portfolio and assists them with the design, implementation and certification of the portfolio under volume programs such as the LEED Volume Program or the WELL Portfolio Program. En3 helps clients standardize their designs, operations and procurement across various projects helping them reduce costs as well as carbon footprints. En3 also works with several clients for the WELL HSR Portfolio program helping them implement and achieve WELL HSR rating for several of their assets. In addition we also work with international clients for Energy Star Portfolio and other volume programs          

Green Codes & Standards 

  • Green Code Development & Adoption

  • Technical Assistance, Training in Codes & Standards 

  • Minimum Standard Specifications for adoption

En3 has been working with specialized organizations such as The International Code Council (USA), ICC Evaluation Service Inc. (ISS-ES), International Accreditation Service Inc. (IAS) and The World Bank Group on several initiatives pertaining to green code and standards development, development of green regulations for adoption, development of green standards for adoption etc. in an effort to make green buildings and sustainability adoption and enforcement wide and effective. Our services include green and energy code adoptions, technical assistance in development of sustainability regulations for governmental authorities, preparation of minimum standard specifications across organizations and/or jurisdictions and providing Green Building Councils with technical inputs on future improvement to standards and rating systems

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